As an Architect I am registered with the ARB and I am also a member of both the RIBA and RIAS, but by far the most useful organisation I am involved with is the Edinburgh Chartered Architects Network (ECAN) I joined six years ago and was elected chairman two years ago. ECAN is specifically for self-employed, sole practitioners. Architects who usually work alone and often specialise in smaller scale projects, typically for domestic clients.
In my time as chair the group has seen a transition from the original founders, now approaching retirement, to a new generation of Architects. We have embraced social media, with a large and growing following on our Facebook page. The group now conducts regular survey of its members, focusing on financial and professional matters, which helps us to run our business more effectively. We organised a wider range of continuing professional development seminars, including a half day CPD session with multiple speakers which was very well attended. We also found a great new secretary for the group after our long serving founder member retired.
ECAN is a vibrant and energetic group with a dedicated membership, its future is secure and the time has come for me to step aside and for a new chair to take the group forward. I announced my intention to stand down several months back and at the annual AGM last night the group chose Gloria Lo as its new chair. I wish Gloria all the best for her term as chair and look forward to seeing her enact an exciting new agenda.